Claiming a musical approach that tries to overcome stylistic cleavages, Fabien is currently involved in writing a first Trio album, which will be an opportunity for him to present his world through original compositions and covers, somewhere between Jazz and Rock cultures.
Claiming a musical approach that tries to overcome stylistic cleavages, Fabien is currently involved in writing a first Trio album, which will be an opportunity for him to present his world through original compositions and covers, somewhere between Jazz and Rock cultures.

"Those who have strong aspirations, dreams… "
"THE HANKERS" is a band co-founded by saxophonist Raphael Illes and guitarist Fabien Squillante.
Through inspirations mixed with Jazz, Groove and Rock, "THE HANKERS" transmit a powerful scenic energy...
The Hankers are :
Malo Mazurié - trumpet
Raph Illes - sax
Fabien Squillante - guitars
Fred Nardin - keys
Samuel Hubert - bass
Rémi Vignolo - drums, electronics